Lesson 18 He often does this!

After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag.

I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!

As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.

'Did you have a good meal?" he asked.

'Yes, thank you,' I answered, 'but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.'

The landlord smiled and immediately went out.

In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this!'

 Lesson 17 Always young
Lesson 19 Sold out 



 /pʌb/  n. 小酒店


 /ˈlændlɔːd/  n. 店主


 /bɪl/  n. 帐单

课文理解 调皮的狗狗

After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag.

had had 过去的之前,had是构成过去完成时的助动词。而had则是实义动词have的过去分词。

Pub 是 public house(酒店,酒店)的缩写

Let’s go to the pub for a drink. 我们去酒吧里喝一杯吧.

had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!

had left 时态与上面的had had 是一样的。

leave 除了“离去,离开,出发”的意思,还可以表示“把(人、物)留下,遗留,丢下”等。

Have you left anything in the car?

"Did you have a good meal?" he asked

这个have 是实义动词,表“吃”这个意思。

"Yes, thank you," I answered, "but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag."

have = have got 都表示有。但区别为,“have”做为实义动词使用(一般现在时),而“have”则是一个助动词(现在完成时)。所以实义动词的have在变成否定、疑问句时,需要助动词do/does。而“have got”里got才是实义动词,而“have”是got的助动词(遇三单变为has),所以在疑问句中只需要将“have”提前,否定句中,只需要变为“have not got”即可。

'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!'

he 指店主的狗,英语国家人士常用人称代词 he 或she 指自己喂养的宠物。

语法知识 have 的用法

have 作为实义动词

have 还可以作完全的实义动词,当作“具有、拥有”讲时,它和 have got 通常可以互换。have 做 “有, 患病” 概念时, 可作为实义动词, 也可作为非实义动词。

have 作完全动词时,还可以表示 eat,drink,enjoy,take 等意思,这时它是行为动词,可以用于包括进行时的各种时态。当 have 用于表示这些含义时,它必须与助动词 do 等连用以构成疑问句或否定句。

have dinner,have a cigarette,have coffee,have a holiday,have a good time,have a swim,have a rest。

  1. 拥有/具有:作为实义动词,"have" 可用来表示拥有或具有某物。

    • I have a car.(我有一辆车。)
    • She has three cats.(她养了三只猫。)
  2. 体验/经历:"have" 还可以表示经历或体验某种感觉、情绪或状况。

    • They had a great time at the party.(他们在派对上过得很愉快。)
    • She had a terrible headache.(她头疼得厉害。)
  3. 动作/行为:作为实义动词,"have" 可以表示进行某种动作或行为。

    • We often have lunch together.(我们经常一起吃午饭。)
    • He had a sip of water.(他喝了一小口水。)
  4. 具体事物:"have" 还可用于指代具体的事物或对象。

    • I have something to tell you.(我有事情要告诉你。)
    • Do you have any questions?(你有什么问题吗?)
  5. 时间表达:"have" 可以用于表示时间或事件的发生。

    • We have a meeting at 9 o'clock.(我们九点有个会议。)
    • She had dinner with her friends last night.(昨晚她和朋友一起吃了晚饭。)

have 作为助动词

  • 完成时态:作为助动词,"have" 构成完成时态。
    • I have finished my homework.(我已经完成了作业。)
    • They have gone to the store.(他们已经去商店了。)
  • 完成进行时:作为助动词,"have" 还可以构成完成进行时。
    • She has been studying all day.(她一整天都在学习。)
    • They have been waiting for hours.(他们已经等了几个小时了。)

在英国英语中的疑问句和否定句中 have(具有)的用法与 be 相同,即可以不用助动词 do 或 did;在美国英语中,常用 do 助动词和 have 一起构成疑问句和否定句。

  • I don’t have a pen/a headache.
  • I haven’t a pen /a headache.

三种情况 have 可以用 have got 取代

  • I have a pen. = I have got a pen. “有”
  • I have a headache. = I have got a headache. “得病”

have to == have got to

have 作“具有,拥有”讲时是状态动词,不能用于进行时态或被动语态,通常用于一般现在时。在其它时态中,一般用 have 而不用 have got。

  • You can have these apples if you want them. I’ve got a lot more.如果你想要这些苹果你可以把它们拿走。我还有许多。
  • He must be very fond of animals to have five dogs. 他一定非常喜欢动物,才会养五条狗。

have/has had 现在完成时+have实义动词的过去分词

  • "have/has had" 组合成了现在完成时have用于第一人称(I、we)和第二人称(you)单数/复数,has 用于第三人称单数(he、she、it、a boy ...)。
  • had 表示在过去某个时间之前已经发生的动作或持续的状态,对现在或过去某个时间造成的影响。常与时间状语连用。
  • have had breakfast already.(我已经吃过早饭了。)
  • She has had a long day.(她度过了漫长的一天。)

had had 过去完成时 + have实义动词的过去分词

"had had"是过去完成时的复合形式,用于表示在过去某个时间之前已经发生的动作或状态对另一个过去时间造成的影响。

  • "had had" 在过去完成时中被用来描述在过去某个时间之前已经发生过的动作或持续的状态。
  • 这种形式常用于复合句中,其中第一个 "had" 表示过去完成时,第二个 "had" 为助动词,用来构成 "had had"。
    • I realized that I had had the wrong key all along.(我意识到我一直拿错了钥匙。)
    • By the time I arrived, they had already had their dinner.(我到达的时候,他们已经吃过晚饭了。)
  • 在条件句中的使用:If he had had more time, he would have finished the project.(如果他有更多时间,他会完成这个项目的。)

"had had" 的使用是比较罕见的,在正式的书面英语中可能会避免使用这种结构,以免使句子显得过于复杂或晦涩。可以尝试通过重新构思句子或使用其他表达方式来避免使用 "had had",如:"had possessed" 或 "had experienced"。

单词句型 在下面哪几句话中可用 have got 来代替 have?

  1. He had a drink before dinner. ×
  2. Mrs. Sullivan has a lot of money. ✓ 有钱
  3. He had to leave early. 
  4. We have had a long conversation.× 进行
  5. My mother has a headache. ✓ 患病
  6. They had a good time at the party.× have a good/long time : 过的愉快(固定短语)
  7. This sock has a hole in it. 
  8. She has to be patient with him.✓ has to patient n.病人, 患者adj.忍耐的, 耐心的
  9. have a bath every day. × have a swim,have a bath
  10. This room has four windows.
  11. He has a farm. 
  12. We had a letter from Jill yesterday. × have a letter from==receive a letter from 收到

Beside and Besides

beside pron. 在……旁边,在……附近

  • Come and sit beside us.

besides adv. 而且,并且,此外;pron. 除……之外(还)

  • She has so much else to do besides. 此外,她还有许多其他事要做。
  • I’m quite busy today. Besides, I’ve got a bad cold.
  • There were a lot of people at the party besides us.

扩展知识 短语动词 give

give 常用含义是“给予,交给”

  • I lent him some books last month and he has given them back to me this morning.

gave away 赠送

  • He gave away all his books to the library.

give in 上交,呈交;屈服,让步,投降

  • Give in your examination papers after you’ve finished.
  • You can do what you like. I will never give in.

give up doing sth. 放弃,抛弃

  • He gave up drinking a few years ago.

give up 交出,让出

  • Jack has given up the watch he stole last week.
  • Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy. 我方的三名军官向敌人投降了。


  1. Will the person who took my ruler please give it  to me? (填空) 
  2. When my children grew up, I gave all their toys  . (填空) 
  3. When do we have to give  our composition? (填空) 
  4. We were losing the battle but we did not give . (填空) 
 Lesson 17 Always young
Lesson 19 Sold out 

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